Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This service provides an opportunity for the developers to retrieve subscription notifications which have been lost. This allows the developer to stay updated with the subscription notifications during the period in which he/she has missed receiving such notifications.
applicationId required | string Unique identification of the application within the platform |
password required | string Password given when provisioning the application |
version | string This is the version of the API to be revoked |
status | string Status of the subscription entry status can be only shown to REGISTERED, TEMPORARY_BLOCKED, REG_PENDING stages. |
subscriberRequestId | string The initial Request ID allocated when transaction from Charging SDK is triggered for a particular user. |
requestPage required | Integer The specific page number from a list of pages containing subscription notifications. |
{- "applicationId": "APP_102672",
- "password": "cf2b9e361c13bc54b86d3c8180b0582fd",
- "version": "2.0",
- "status": "REGISTERED",
- "subscriberRequestId": "124002601656523239",
- "requestPage": 2
{- "version": "2.0",
- "statusCode": "S1000",
- "statusDetail": "Request was successfully processed",
- "nextPageNumber": 3,
- "moreDataAvailable": "true",
- "requestId": "223902031657423338",
- "subscribers": {
- "subscriberId": "tel: sdfasdfasdfwqerqwtgfgsafgasfgasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasf",
- "subscriberRequestId": "124002601656523239",
- "subscriptionStatus": "REGISTERED",
- "lastChargedDate": "2020-01-23 22.03.22",
- "lastChargedAmount": "30.00 BDT"
This service returns the subscriber charging details and subscription status
applicationId required | string Unique identification of the application within the platform |
password required | string Password given when provisioning the application. |
subscriberIds | string MSISDNs of the list of subscribers. If the application accepts masked numbers, list of masked numbers must be communicated in this parameter |
{- "applicationId": "APP_102672",
- "password": "cf2b9e361c13bc54b86d3c8180b0582fd",
- "subscriberIds": [
{- "version": "2.0",
- "destinationResponses": {
- "subscriberId": "tel: sdfasdfasdfwqerqwtgfgsafgasfgasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasf",
- "subscriptionStatus": "REGISTERED",
- "subscriberRequestId": "124002601656523239",
- "lastChargedDate": "2020-01-23 22.03.22",
- "lastChargedAmount": "30.00 BDT",
- "numberType": "postpaid",
- "statusCode": "S1000",
- "statusDetail": "S1000"
}, - "statusCode": "S1000",
- "statusDetail": "Success.",
- "requestId": "101901031657410007"
This service sends subscription notifications to the service provider integrated applications. These notifications will be sent to the endpoint mentioned under the section 'Subscription Notification URL' in the application created by the service provider
This service does not contain a request but has a response which will be sent as a call back notification to the initial subscription charging SDK request denoting subscriber status.
{- "timeStamp": "20120113082110",
- "subscriberId": "NTM3MDgzMWI2ZDAwMzlmZTQ0N2Y1ZGFhMzQwOTM2MDA0YmEzZWRiYTFjYzIzNzhhZDZhYjZjNmI1MzliZWIxYTpiYW5nbGFsaW5r",
- "applicationId": "APP_000842",
- "version": "2.0",
- "frequency": "daily",
- "status": "REGISTERED",
- "subscriberRequestId": "101901031657410007"
applicationId required | string Used to identify the application. This is a unique identifier generated while provisioning an application. Only a single value can be sent per request. |
password required | string Used to authenticate the application originated message against the credentials of the service provider. Encoded, single value. |
subscriberId required | string This can be the MSISDN of the subscriber to be charged. This is a unique identifier. tel: is for MSISDN Subcriber: tel:8801740812854 Note: tel might be a masked number depending on the type of the application Only a single value can be sent per request. |
action required | string Value: 0 0 -user unsubscription |
{- "applicationId": "APP_999999",
- "password": "95904999aa8edb0c038b3295fdd271de",
- "subscriberId": "tel:NTM3MDgzMWI2ZDAwMzlmZTQ0N2Y1ZGFhMzQwOTM2MDA0YmEzZWRiYTFjYzIzNzhhZDZhYjZjNmI1MzliZWIxYTpiYW5nbGFsaW5r",
- "action": "0"
{- "version": "2.0",
- "statusCode": "S1000",
- "statusDetail": "not registered",
- "requestId": "not registered",
- "subscriptionStatus": "UNREGISTERED."